Welcome to Optimal Braids

As a young child, I remember observing the detail steps that my Mother and Grandmother took to braid my hair as well as my cousins. Seeing each braid come together stitch by stitch to create a long-lasting hairstyle was magical to my young eyes.

As early 5 years old, I can recall practicing my braiding techniques on my baby dolls hair every opportunity I had. Soon that escalated to braiding hair for my fellow classmates while in elementary school. We can all guess the type of letters that was sent home from my teachers to my Mother.

You guessed it…… “Alicia has been braiding another student’s hair in class today instead of focusing on her work.” Lol.

Those moments helped me to discover early on that I have a God gifted talent that would soon make room for me. (Proverbs 18:16 "A man's gift makes room for him")

Over the years, I soon found my self braiding hair for family members, neighborhood friends, my Winterguard and Colorguard teammates for competition day. Go TROJANS!

My desire to learn more about the art of hair braiding sparked a flame within me to create the #1 mobile hair braiding business of York County in 2022.

Thus, we present to you, Optimal Braids!